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  • Writer's pictureMercy Gabriel

MIND TRANSFORMATION: Perspective of Finding Success and Happiness

Updated: Sep 25, 2021

Brain controls every part of our body. It is the source of human's actions and decisions. What we feed in our brain is very essential to its functions. So when we nurture it with healthy thoughts, it will grow with positive outlook that views everything according to its beauty and goodness, yet when we nourish our brain with all the junks in this world that emphasize its ugliness and dark nature, it will choose to absorb and save every idea in a realm of darkness and wickedness. Therefore, what we process in the brain affects the way we view life, and it creates a significant role in finding our path towards success and happiness. But human brain is typically unique and flexible in nature. So regardless of the ways it is nurtured in the past, there is still possibility for a change and transformation.

Our brain can be compared to a computer, whatever we save to its Central Processing Unit (CPU) can be used and remembered for future use, but data can be deleted and put in the recycle bin. Additionally, computers operating system can be format or reformat depends on your desire window version. In the same manner, human brain which typically superior than computers that it creates, has the ability to remember and to forget whatever is saved in the memory. An expert asserted that it can be reprogrammed through a certain process. Let me tell you a bit of what I've learned about human brain. According to the experts, our brain is composed of conscious mind and subconscious mind. Conscious mind is our short term memory, it analyzes, thinks and plans, it may functions well when we are awake or actively processing ideas, yet it is turned off when it is not used specifically when we are asleep. But subconscious mind is our long term memory. It is the bank of our emotions, feelings, habits, relationship patterns, addictions and even involuntary bodily functions. Likewise, it is in the subconscious mind where creativity, developmental stages, spiritual connections and intuition exist. It appears to function continuously without rest, and it works even when are asleep.

In other words, the subconscious mind is possibly responsible for recreating, replacing or refining habits and practices that effortlessly work in the lives of human being. Therefore, in order to change unnecessary ideas in our minds, we need to undergo certain training to reprogram the data in our subconscious minds, for it plays a significant role in creating new perspectives in our lives. In fact, scientists asserted that the subconscious mind is ninety five (95) to ninety nine percent (99%) responsible in everything that each individual do everyday. An interesting video about reprogramming subconscious mind suggested a process of building good habits to gain success and happiness in life through following steps such as; planning to organize things to do; reviewing goals to be always reminded about it; practicing gratitude to maintain positivism towards life, asking the subconscious mind for the answer about thing that seems unfathomable; and HYPNO therapy to meditate about our decisions and actions. Let me share to you this motivation video that I got through Facebook page of Fearless Soul. You may watch the youtube video below. I hope you will enjoy it!

It sounds fascinating! right? Nevertheless, without this video, I have already tried to build a habit of planning, reviewing my goals, showing gratefulness, meditating my actions and desires etc. but I think I failed and I always feel something is still missing in my life. I tried many times to live a life according to the framework of my knowledge and desires, and I built a good habit of working hard in order to reach my goals, but I couldn't find such success and happiness in my life. That's how I feel. That's what my strong mind believes in.

In other context, I lived a life suppressed by crab mentality, mediocrity, and discouragement. My thirst for recognition and my dissatisfaction for my achievements led me to a lonely life. Even though I knew the difference between right and wrong, I was still confused about the path that I was taking on my journey to success. The dictate of the world and its examples seemed to be very different from what my inner self whispered. Yet it is too strong to declare a battle against it because it is the place where I wish to gain my everything. This world is an instrument for my gain and achievements. How can I go against them? But to what extend should I tolerate this world? Shall I continue conforming to its pattern even if it will attempt to ruin my valuable treasure?

Let me tell you more about my life's story in a general context. There were times in my life that I wanted to give up everything including my very own life. This struggle was rooted from the great disappointment of trusting the idea that everything is under my control. "When I perform a good job, I will get my compensation, and when I do good to others, they would treat me back with goodness and faithfulness". But everything turned out to be a delusion, and the pain of betrayal flamed the fire of anger and bitterness in my heart, and it almost killed me. I was lost. I didn't know what to believe in and I can trust no more.

But a new idea suddenly popped up at the back of my mind, and it tells me that my life that I wished to ruin isn't mine. "You are not your own". It claimed. That time, I didn't know exactly what does it mean? Partly, I thought it was about my relationship that I was struggling to grasp due to the matter of forgiveness and reconciliation. Finding reading as therapy for my trouble, my mind unconsciously look for a solution through books. Even without strength and yearning to do anything, it drove me to look further about the unanswered question in my mind. It led me to find something to read instead of just crying and staying in bed, hopelessly blaming others and end up with self-pity. Then, before reaching my computer to browse for some reference materials to read, I glanced at my dusty bookshelf. My intention was to clean it, but when I saw a special book in the corner, the other part of my mind urged me to pick it up. It is my bible. I bought it when one of my Christian friends showed me an amazing modern design of a bible in the bookstore. Yeah. you are right. I probably bought it because of its beautiful cover design. But since the content didn't change, and I thought it was unrelated reference for resolving my struggle towards mediocrity, dissatisfaction and other negativity in life, I rarely spent my time opening it. I was so preoccupied and loaded with a lot of reading materials to read in order to find success and happiness that I hardly get in my life. But an inexplicable feelings controlled my hands to reunite with this book again. I closed my eyes to open it after years of just putting them in that bookshelf, and I used my hands to guide me in looking for the book page reading preference. Then, it pointed me to first (1) Corinthians chapter 6. And verses 19 and 20. It made me sobbed almost endlessly. It was my first and long loud cry after hearing a heartbreaking news of betrayal.

The scripture says, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies," (1 Corinthians 19 -20).

How could I dare to think of ending my life if it isn't mind. If somebody bought it for me, then I should treasure and enjoy it for the sake of the buyer who sacrificed for me. But I was ungrateful, and I only thought of ruining it. I knelled for forgiveness to God. I regretted my sin for threatening my body and for dishonoring Him. That time I realized that my subconscious mind was leading my life astray. My pain, my anger and frustration almost blinded me not to see the greatness of life. I was so into the voice of the world, so I hardly listened to the voice of God. So I talked to my subconscious mind that I finally found what I really wanted. I stood up to start a real battle against the wicked force that may ruin my blessed life. I rebuked the sin, and in my weakest moment I found a evincible strength to hold the hand of a betrayer and helped him to run away from the trapped of wickedness which existence is only for the purpose of destroying the holy gifts of God.

After moments of darkness in my life, I see the light that shines upon me. He is "Jesus" the only righteous man and God in the world.

I also has begun to realize that psychology of the mind training is real to human being. But believing in science without God is futile. My life was led by the norms of world and my career was guided by the intelligence of science, but what made me live in sadness and bitterness? What made me feel unsatisfied? Yeah. You are right, maybe you are about to guess it now. It is my false notion of earning confidence, sufficiency and satisfaction.

The world I live in trains people to build confidence and independence through achievements and materials gains. Experts teach us not to rely on others, but to gain success through the power of skills and excellence. Many people may even discriminate us when we know too little about the framework of the world. Fears and insecurities make us work harder to prove something to those who don't believe us, but even after beating our enemies, we might still find unfathomable emptiness in our hearts because we forgot to honor the author of every idea in the world.

I admit. I failed to honor Him. I forgot to live a life according to the will of my creator. I was soaked to believe in the power of the world alone to find my happiness. Yet my experience taught me that apart from Him, I can do nothing. Yes. There is nothing wrong with dreaming and doing our best to succeed, but walking on a journey without Jesus and his wisdom will result to emptiness and devastation. A life without God will find us struggling in the dark. Martin Luther King, Jr. once also said, "Without God all of our efforts turn to ashes, and our sunrise into the darkest of nights". The yearning for self-confidence, sufficiency and satisfaction can never be found without seeking and trusting God's will, His provision and His power in everything.

Furthermore, the scripture also taught me that Jesus is the way, the truth and life and no one can go to the father unless through Him. Therefore, to live a life with God, we need to get to know Jesus Christ.

God sent Jesus Christ to the world to serve as a living example on how people should live, think and act. God gave up His only begotten son, permits death in order to save people's lives that were separated from Him because of sin. And he took Jesus after three days to live in eternity in heaven to give us hope. He declares that whoever believes in Him will also be given a chance to live in His kingdom. Therefore, we sinners should accept His sacrifice. We should live on earth finding the way to connect with Him again. And there is no other way to reconnect with God except through Jesus Christ because Jesus himself is God. Yes. We can not see God, but His holy spirit will come in the heart of anyone who hears and listens to his call, and he will walk with anyone who accepts Him as God and personal savior. If we live a life relying on His words, desires or will, the opportunity for the impossibility will surely come in our lives because it is His promise to prosper us and make us live in abundance. For reference, let's look at the book of Mathew, chapter six (6) and verse thirty three (33), New International Version(NIV). It says, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well". We may have a lot of responsibilities and opportunities to use our amazing talents and skills but making God and his righteousness as the center of our plans and desires should be the first priority.

Additionally, it is God's will for humans to live freely in this world, but it is not His will for us people to choose the wrong path of life. In fact, God commands us to choose righteousness over wickedness. And in order to succeed in this battle between the good and the wicked, we need to redesigned our minds into His perspectives, for it greatly affects our ways, choices and works. The pattern of this world is far beyond the standard of righteousness demonstrated in the life of Jesus Christ, when He was sent to save the earth two thousand years ago. God declares not to conform to the rules of world for what the world gives is different from what He wants to happen. Roman 12:2 says, "Do not copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think". "Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.". This verse may emphasize that the best way to discipline our minds is to seek His kingdom and let Him transform our ways and point of view. So whatever the negativity that world shows and whispers to us, we should close our eyes and cover our ears, or else we should rebuke it and run away from it. And start creating memories to build a strong faith that can be used as a weapon against our spiritual enemy. For faithfulness will lead us to eternal peace, success and happiness.

We should also remember that Faith needs to be nurtured. Therefore, there is a need of rebuilding our passion and recreating good habits to be saved in our subconscious minds. We need to have a constant practice of communicating to God through prayers; passion of reading and meditating His words in the bible all the time. And embarking on a journey to God with others, for we can't live alone. We need God's people to walk with us on our Journey to know Him deeply. We need to tell to our subconscious mind that we need God's discipline and a personal relationship with Him. We need to change our worldly perspective into God's perspective. His righteousness is our standard, his love is all we need, and we can not do anything without Him. Our scientific beliefs alone may fail us but if we include God and consult for his approval, real success and happiness will surely be achieved.

After all these years, I realize that I lack of Faith to God. I waited for His harsh discipline before I finally recognize His mighty power. At the moment, though I hate the idea of betrayal, I still want to thank God for using it as an instrument for me to find Him as my refuge and savior. Oh. yeah. I now agree, "everything happens for a reason" or let me say God permits things to happen including destruction for a certain purpose. But it is not His will to harm or destroy us. Things may happen not according to our own plans and desires because He knows what's best for us. That's right. He knows a lot about me more than what I know about myself, and He knows my needs. In the scripture God declares that he has plans for us and that plan might be different from the way we think and understand. Therefore, changing our minds in accordance to God's will and wisdom is the best perspective in life. Lastly, choosing to forgive and forget are part of his will and plan.

Now that I accepted Jesus as my personal savior and I am aware that his holy spirit is my subconscious mind, I can already feel such confidence, love and happiness that world failed to give me. You're right. For now on, I will call my subconscious mind as a holy spirit instead. With this idea, I don't need to go deeper to learn the scientific basis for my actions and decisions. I just want the holy spirit of God to control my subconscious mind in order to build a habit of relying everything on Him. I will continue work hard, and live with people in this world but I don't want to be confused anymore. Of course, I may still experience all the pain of negativism of this world because God did not transform me into a robot, yet since I have Him beside me, I believe I can become stronger to fight against the existence of my spiritual enemy. What I wanna see is the real beauty and wonders of the world that God has originally gave me.

Oh. I almost forgot how I started my writing. Yeah. Mind transformation requires discipline. The science of brain discipline is actually an amazing moves in life's journey. And in finding real success and happiness may depends on how we think and act. It depends on the ideas that we process in our brain that forms a perspective in our life. In other context, our perspective may rely on knowledge and wisdom that we feed in our brains. So such knowledge and wisdom in finding success and happiness should be interrelated to the wisdom of God. Using our brain, the God's wonderful creation to entertain unnecessary ideas may lead us in vain. Depending on the knowledge of world alone will make us suffer from mediocrity and frustration, because knowledge without wisdom from God is vanity. Our way of thinking matters for it affects our entire lifestyle. Therefore, I conclude that we need God in the transformation of the minds in order to realign our perspective into His will. We need beliefs and wisdom that can absolutely make us strong from within, and we need mighty savior who can defend us against the inevitable existence of danger in this world. We need God in order to gain real success and happiness, for He is the only one who can give us a genuine breakthrough, satisfaction, and peace of mind. Therefore, I have decided that seeking God's righteousness is the top priority in my plans to finally train and reprogram my subconscious mind.

Friends, allow me to express my suggestions and recommendations. Let us start deleting undesirable data in our brain to allow our minds in recreating valuable habits that can make us channel of love and peace in the world that we live in. Let's stay motivated in discovering, rebuilding and enhancing our unique skills. Let's aim high and hit the mark, yet in our journey to reach the top, let's not forget that we need to discriminate selfishness, wickedness, deceitfulness, vanity and other negativism of this world. Let's embark on a fresh journey where Jesus, our Lord will be with us. Whatever we decide to do and wherever we plan to go, let's ask for God's blessings and directions.

Finally, may the world know that God loves us equally, and we are equal regardless of our status and situations in life. But what makes us think we are higher or lower than others is our own self-righteousness and conceitedness or insecurity and disbelief. So may the holy spirit forbids us from hurting one another. Let's build our faith instead and nurture it together. May the love of God overflows in us and in the lives of our family, friends, fellowmen and even in the lives our enemies. May our hearts and minds be transform according to God's design and may this transformation provides an opportunity to see a new wonderful perspective in life. An outlook of life that optimistically see beauty, goodness and righteousness amidst chaotic world, and a perspective that can transform the world into a better place. We need a world that creates peace and unity rather trouble, and we need people who care for reuniting and healing broken hearts rather than breaking them. We need at least one friend who will never leave us nor forsake us. We need a home that protects and gives comfort and not a house that scares and haunts. I need a world that loves of...

Let us allow God, his love and righteousness transforms our minds and that's my perspective in finding real success and happiness in my life. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.

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