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  • Writer's pictureMercy Gabriel

The Amazing trees in my Field

Updated: Sep 25, 2021

When I was young, I didn’t know exactly what a family was. The only thing I knew is that they fed me, sent me to school, played with me sometimes, and taught me things that I should do, specifically doing good deeds.

And as soon as I grew to teen, I began to distance myself from them because I found them uninteresting and exhausting. I always spent my time with my good friends who could make me laugh and who let me exercise my freedom to do things that I love. But every time I made fun with friends, I could see my parents’ sadness, uncertainties, and frustration. And through their cunning approach of scolding me, I could see the real purpose of their governing principle in terms of children’s discipline.

Therefore, after I overcame the rebellious and innocent stage of adolescence, I started to seriously ponder about my dreams to lift my family from the blasphemy of poverty. It wasn’t easy because of the reality that life is difficult without enough finances to support human needs including the educational expenses. But the saying that “poverty is not hindrance for success” is agreeable for me because I was able to pursue my little dream to find a humble career that would at least give me a stable earning to support myself and my family.

I went through a lot of emotions of both anguish and excitement due to the challenge of fate in this world. I climbed the high mountains, I endured the pain in the thorns of life, and I persevered despite tiresome journeys to nowhere and uncertainties. But I tried not to retreat in the game of life and fate because I succeeded in finding the real meaning of a family.

I have perceived my family as the three wonderful trees planted in the rich field. The first tree is my original family. My parents are the roots, my siblings are the branches, and my niece and nephews are the leaves and the fruits.

Without my mother and father, my family may not have grown bigger as it is now, so they are the roots. My siblings signify the branches because I could rely on them whenever I feel sad and get tired. Then, I've compared my cute nephews and nieces to the bulky leaves and fruits of the tree, for they make my family look wonderfully crowded.

I found an instant tree as soon as I got married. It is a full-blown tree, and it typically has got the same characteristics and features as my first tree. It was instantly planted in my field soon as I decided to marry my husband. This tree has become my other motivator, rescuer, and inspiration.

I believe you may wonder and be excited to get to know my third tree. It is the youngest one planted in the same field where my first and second tree was planted.

When I found this little tree, I began to seriously wonder and rethink its origin, for I vividly witnessed its growth. It seems strongly rooted by an astounding creature to make it gradually bloom as an amazing little tree. It has roots, trunks, branches, twigs, and bulky leaves. This little tree continually grows at the center of the two full-blown trees. It doesn’t have fruits yet, but I can sense that it will bear wonderful fruits at the definite time of harvest.

Then, after some time of wondering and searching for its roots, I found its amazing owner. It’s God. The tangible roots and rich soil that continuously cultivate and support these trees to remain strong amidst destructive natural and unnatural calamities and occurrences.

Finally, I realize that these trees will permanently stay together in one field. It is permanent and unmovable, for they are strongly planted with strong roots in rich soil. And it has a miraculous cultivator and mighty owner that strongly holds the trees. If the roots won’t be removed from its body and won’t be pulled from the soil, they will never fall and will continue to grow bigger and taller.

In another context, I have learned that family is planted by God, and we don’t possess them. My family is rather the interconnected types of trees that belong in the same breed and field. Our strength relies on our concrete roots and soil; God, for He is our stronghold, cultivator, and protector. Therefore, I believe that my family is one of the miraculous creations of God to work together to fulfill His purpose on earth. So it is my endless prayer for my family not to forget the fact that God is our roots and soil and He is the reason why we remain resilient and magnificent.

To God be the Glory.

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