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  • Writer's pictureMercy Gabriel


Most of the people around him thought he was a strange teenage boy. His mood was unpredictable. But what I saw wasn’t really what it was. He was not an indecisive or difficult person. He was just overwhelmed with all the roles that he should play and the rules that he must follow. He was free but his life had a chain. He thought he was old enough but too young to be independent. Nevertheless, he tried his best for he had no choice but to understand that life is vital, and he must take the battle to survive.

His unique personality as a young guy captivated my heart. I was challenged to make him love me, but I never felt he did at first. I cried and thought of him as a mean and self-centered guy. I felt strange too. I couldn’t consistently set my judgment on how I should think about him. I was confused about his preferences and actions. I couldn’t blame the people around him who quickly judged him for being arrogant and difficult to please because he never tried to be like an open book. Nevertheless, I loved him, so I was overwhelmed with the excitement of innocent love when he allowed his heart through a clandestine relationship. I felt safe in his hands. He respected me and treated me like a younger sister rather than his lover. He gradually made me realize that he wasn’t really the person I thought he was, it was only that the world was meaner to him.

This man I fell in love with for the first time was forced to become mature at a young age. He did not choose to be born poor. But he was. It was his parents who carelessly thought life too lightly and felt love as pleasure. Then, when suppressed by difficulties, he has left alone with strange people who didn’t care much about him. The adults had stolen the opportunity for him to grow naturally and nurture him with so much love and care.

Despite the academic recognition, he got in school, his parents and siblings did not care about it, so he never felt proud of it too. For him going to school was something that he had to do to escape from his isolated life. His teachers’ passionate words in teaching at least temporarily relieved him especially when both of his parents left him. Besides, “going to public school did not need much money so there was nothing to worry about,” he said.

He tried to avoid dreaming to achieve a career, he only wished to earn money. That was why, when one of our high school teachers asked him to write about his dream, he was hesitant to write it because he was afraid, they might laugh or scold him. But since it was necessary to write it, he wrote that he wished to become a successful businessman, but he also stated that he couldn’t do it because he had no one to support him.

Therefore, after our graduation from High School, despite getting awards both academic and non-academic, He never felt they were essential in the pursuit of his happiness. He decided to take a chance to find a job to feed himself. And though how much I loved him, I couldn’t chase him anymore. He left without a trace and never thought about my feelings.

As for me, I decided to move on and live my own life to pursue my chosen career. I realized that I should be grateful to have a family who could support me to pursue anything that I desire because though we were not rich, my parents had enough to make me go to university. However, his memories always haunted me, and I wanted to find him again.

Then, when I almost began to stop thinking about him, he suddenly showed up after ten years. I almost couldn’t believe my eyes. He turned himself into a stunning confident man. He has become a successful businessman. He is now ready to show the world that he is a happy man. And he is ready to bring love and happiness to my life. I finally realized that he left me for the wonderful reason of making a difference. I was overwhelmed with happiness that I stayed faithful in love.

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